Sunday, February 2Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: cebu international airport

Singapore Chronicles: Day 1 – Cebu to Singapore

Blogging, Cebu City, Flights, Leisure, Mindanaoan Update, Musings, Personal, Singapore, Travel
Singapore Chronicles Day 1 - From Cebu to Singapore. I'm typing this message thousands of feet above sea level. Specifically, 35,000 feet. Right now, at this very moment, my mom is fast asleep on my right, two men seated infront of me are still immersed in a serious conversation and my beloved Victorinox travelers bag is on the seat on my left. I'm typing this message while aboard our flight from Cebu City, Philippines to Singapore. While it's not my first time to go abroad, it is my first time to visit a first world country (well, this is still a pretty sensitive topic but for the purpose of this blog post, let's call it that, ok? ;) ). It's also my first time to travel for more than 3 hours by plane. Yes, you can say it's quite a whole new experience for me. It's pretty exciting yet a...
Review: Citi Park Hotel Cebu City | Hotels in Cebu City

Review: Citi Park Hotel Cebu City | Hotels in Cebu City

Business, Consumer, Hotels, Leisure, Mindanaoan Update, Reviews, Tourism, Travel
Nestled along Cabahug Street, Panagdait, Mabolo Cebu City is a relatively new but not too expensive hotel in the Queen City of the South. Citi Park Hotel is conveniently located between Cebu City proper and Mandaue City, making travel time to and fro Cebu International Airport easy. I had the chance to stay at Citi Park Hotel Cebu during the recent electoral campaigns/sorties. I was with one of the senatorial candidates that I did PR/media relations for and we stayed for two nights at Citi Park Cebu. Here's a look at their lobby cum lounge. I arranged for a mini press conference here with some of my Cebu media friends: Here's the restaurant at this hotel in Cebu City. We took our breakfast here. They serve it buffet style: A photo of one of the hotel rooms in Citi Park Hotel after the j...
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