Monday, February 10Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: cdo inn downtown

Review: Casa Crystalla (Budget hotel in Cagayan de Oro City)

Cagayan de Oro City, Hotels, Reviews, Travel
Back in college, the Ateneo Glee Club had a joint concert with the Xavier University (Ateneo de Cagayan University) Glee Club. (Don't laugh but I was one of the Sopranos of the Ateneo Glee Club :D) Anyways, all of us had to stay with either foster families or in lodging houses in Cagayan de Oro City. Casa Crystalla, a budget hotel in the City of Golden Friendship, was one of the concert's sponsors and they offered several rooms for my co-club members. (I stayed with the lovely Yap family) Fast forward a few years later, Casa Crystalla CDO is now one of the CDO inns I stay in whenever I'm in town. There are a couple of reasons why I like staying there - for one, the rates are very affordable (I usually get the deluxe room with ref, table and chairs - like a mini sala set of sorts - and b...
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