Sunday, February 2Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator

Tag: atty aquil tamano

Aquil Tamano joins the Games and Amusements Board

ARMM, Blogging, Features, Government, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Marawi City, Mindanaoan Update, Muslim Mindanao, News, Personalities, Politics, Society, Sports
If you're a regular reader of my humble blog, you'd know that I consider Atty. Aquil Tamano a dear friend. I met him during the Mindanao Bloggers Summit 3, which was held in Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao in 2009. His brother, former Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM) President and former senatorial candidate Atty. Adel Tamano, accepted my invitation to grace the said event and deliver a special message. That fateful day was the beginning of what I can proudly call a good friendship. I also later on met Sir Aquil's wife, Inee, who's as equally as nice as he is. She's pregnant, by the way, and their precious one is due on February 2011! :D Anyways, fast forward to November 2010, great opportunities went Sir Aquil's way. First, I heard that he became the lawyer of some GMA 7 artists in...

Atty. Adel Tamano and Atty. Aquil Tamano endorse!

Blogging, Features, Headline, Mindanaoan Update, Personal, Personalities, Videos
What do you do when two very handsome and smart lawyers (and celebrities in their own right, I must say!) endorse your humble blog? a) you blush and get *gigil* b) you scream, jump for joy and thank the high heavens c) you blog about it! Well, in my case, I did all of the above! :D Atty. Adel Tamano and his younger brother Atty. Aquil Tamano gave this uber *kakakilig* video message endorsing this humble blog,, and the blogger behind it ;) Imagine - two Mindanaoans endorsing! I think that's cool. Don't you think so? :) I must admit, I've played this message again and again and still - I can't help but feel warmth on my cheeks :P Thank you to Sir Adel and to Sir Aquil for this! I really, really appreciate it :) Atty. Adel Tamano and...

Robin Padilla, now “Abdul Aziz,” lends support to Mindanaoan senatorial candidate and fellow Muslim Adel Tamano

Announcements, ARMM, Controversial, Features, Government, Headline, Mindanaoan Artists, Mindanaoan Update, Muslim Mindanao, News, Personalities, Politics
Following Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) Chairman Nur Misuari’s endorsement, popular Filipino actor Robin Padilla, who now has embraced the Muslim name "Abdul Aziz," has also expressed his support for fellow Muslim Atty. Adel Tamano. Tamano, the first Filipino Muslim scholar-graduate of Harvard Law School and President of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, is a senatorial candidate under the Nacionalista Party. In a handwritten personal note to Tamano dated December 9, 2009, Padilla wished the young lawyer and former opposition spokesperson well in his political journey. “May Allah guide you and give you success,” the note read. Tamano, for his part, expressed his gratitude to Padilla’s show of support. “I am extremely grateful to Robin for his trust and confidence,” T...
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