Wednesday, March 5Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator


Totally in love with the new Revolution themes!

Internet, Personal, Technology
If you still haven't heard, uber talented designer Brian Gardner's beautiful, popular Revolution Themes for Wordpress have already gone open source. Yay for all of us bloggers! Well, these are not the same Revolution Themes, mind you. These are totally new themes that Brian and his fellow designer Jason decided to launch under the open source/GP license. Check out the Revolution Two open source theme site here! For those of you who've already visited this website, you may have noticed that yes, I have YET AGAIN changed the blog theme. The theme I'm using right now is sure to stay for a long, long time, though! Yep, you guessed it right - I'm using one of Brian's new themes. Specifically, I'm using the Revolution Church theme. Now if you're interested to use any or all of Br...

Getting primped up at Jesi Mendez Salon Cagayan de Oro City

Cagayan de Oro City, Fashion, Opinion, Personal, Style
Ever since my House of Representatives days, I’ve always wanted to visit a Jesi Mendez Salon branch and see what the fuss was all about. You see, a lot of my Manila-based friends rave about how they like the salon, the hairdressers and the services. Many wives of congressmen-friends also visit the salon for their regular hair treatments. However, being the “kuripot” (cheapskate) Mindanaoan that I am, my plan just remained a plan for years until finally, I had the chance (and the money!) to go last weekend. I was in Cagayan de Oro City and I found out that there was a Jesi Mendez Salon in the area. So I went. The Jesi Mendez Salon branch there, which opened early this year (with GMA 7 actor Dingdong Dantes as guest celebrity), is located at the famed Lim Ket Kai Mall along Lapasan Highwa...
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