Wednesday, March 26Multi-awarded Filipina blogger, ocial media specialist, publicist and content creator


Full text of Reproductive Health Bill (HB 5043)

Controversial, News, Society
For years, this very controversial bill has been the topic of heated debates. The congressmen-authors, especially Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman, have been ridiculed, insulted, castigated upon and questioned. Does this controversial reproductive health bill really promote abortion? Is it true that if this bill gets ratified, couples can only have two children? Does it really affect a Roman Catholic's views and beliefs? I have written numerous stories about and in relation to this bill. I have heard both sides. However, I feel there's still lack of information. People should really see for themselves and decide on whether or not this reproductive health, responsible parenthood and population development bill raises flags. The full text of House Bill 5043 may be found after the jump. Please feel ...

1.6 Billion pesos to buy fluorescent lamps…seriously?!

Controversial, Government, News, Opinion
Bukidnon congressman Teofisto "TG" Guingona III obviously has lots of efficient moles in various government, non government and financial agencies. I mean, how else could he have uncovered the fact that the government plans to take out a loan to the tune of P1.6 Billion just to buy fluorescent lamps? Yes, P1.6 Billion or roughly $35 Million to buy fluorescent lamps. Yes, my jaw dropped, too. I mean, really, who in their right minds would want to spend that much on mere light bulbs when the economy is in shambles, when millions of Filipino children walk barefoot to school, when the ordinary jeepney driver barely meets his daily boundary because of high gas prices, when the ordinary Filipino family can barely eat healthy food everyday and when we're all supposed to tighten our belts...
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